Warm ups 55-65

Warm up 65
I know your green screen project is due tomorrow. But Google "green screen photos" and look at all the interesting examples. What are some ideas you hadn't thought of?

Warm up 64
Photoshop can be used to make all sorts of weird combos of photos. Look at the photos below. Do you like the distortions? Do you think these types of photos are classified as "photography," or as "art?" Why?
I think that they look very interesting. I don't know how I feel about them though. They took a lot of time and effort and I can appreciate that but I don't know if they look ugly or cool I can't make up my mind.I would consider these more as art because I feel like they could have a lot of different meanings.

Warm up 63
What are your plans for the long weekend?
Me and some of the homies are going to the movies this weekend. I'm super excited because were going to go see deadpool 2 and the new star wars movie. We're going to see star wars then were going to sneak into deadpool 2. Then after that we're going to in n out and I can't wait because I love the food there. I'm finna get a double double with animal style fries that's what I get every time and it never gets old.

Warm up 62
If you could do one of our projects over, which one would it be?Why?What would you do differently?
I would definitely want to restart my emotions one again. I feel like they could've came out a lot better and I think that the emotions one was really fun. Definitely one of my favorite projects to do was that because of how much fun it was.

Warm up 61
Check out these interesting photography facts. Which FIVE are the most interesting to you?
I knew that taking pictures back in the day were really difficult so I don't know how people took pictures of kids but It's funny how they dressed up as chairs to get their kids to calm down. I think it's weird how only the first picture to have color only had 3. I can't believe there's over 240 BILLION photos on facebook like that's actually insane.

Warm up 60
What are your plans for the summer?
Oh boy where do I begin. I need to get a job soon. I'm going to mesa college aswell. I'm going to also try to get my license as soon as I can.I really want to hang out with my friends like I did past summers but I don't think I can do that a lot like I did before but I'm going to try to as much as I can. But I'm pretty scared because I'm gonna be out of school and it's kinda scary.

Warm up 59
Take a look at this site. Probably something I will start with for next year, but take a look. What are some things that you already do? What are some new things that you learned?

I think that taking a photo of an object doesn't need to be in every photo so I kinda disagree with that. Something that I learned is that try to not just take the photo because you want to but because you want to make a memory of it so have something that can trigger a memory and give that photo more life. Also people look better sitting down because they can relax more that way.
Warm up 58
Take a look at these easy "photo hacks." What do you think? Which one would you try first, and why?
I think that the one where she sprays water on the glass and takes the photo looks pretty dope so I would want to try that one out first. I think the one with the light in the big mac box looks good in theory but I don' think I could execute it properly. I think that some of these were really creative I don't know how people came up with these ideas lol.

Warm up 57
Happy Friday! What are your plans for the weekend?
I don't really have much planed for the weekend. I know its mothers day and I got my mom some stuff for it and I'm going to take her to Ihop because she loves the food their but that's all that I really have planned out. If one of my friends hits me up to hang out then we'll probably goto the movies but other than that I think I'm going to be chilling for most of the weekend.

Warm up 56
Photo Journalism is a career one might have as a photographer, which is why I have you write when you submit your photos.What publication (magazine) would you want to take photos and write for?Why? What do you like about that publication?
I don't know really have any magazines I follow but if I were to do that I would want to take photos and write for some type of sport. I think it'd be pretty dope because you get to goto all the events and have fun and have really good views of the players and talk to them. It'd be a super interesting job that not a lot of people have and it would be a different experience every time.

Warm up 55
What jobs can photographers have? List 5 occupations that photographers can have:

Well theres a lot of people that take pictures of instagram models so thats one. Theres the obvious one of like taking pictures of weddings and things of that nature. Photographers for companies like brand pictures. Take pictures of athletes for magazines or online articles. And they could also sell stock photos.
