42-54 Warm Up
54 Warm up
If I could only take one type of photo it'd be portraits. I think this a little bit of a copout because everyone is going to say that but it feels like you can do so much with just taking a picture of someone and seeing their reaction to the photo is priceless. Also portraits of other things can give a lot of variety.
53 Warm up
The collage is very cute, also I think it is really good because since it's just a little girl she doesn't look camera shy and she looks very natural in the photos. It doesn't seem like she was forced to smile or anything like that she just looks like she was having a good time and had lots of emotion.
52 Warm up
The photo seems very calm and soothing. The colors are warm which gives it a really chill feeling and sweet. It focuses on her hand and the notebook because the action is that she is about to begin writing. She's outside which gives the picture a nice atmosphere.
50 Warm up
I like to use lightroom. It's a pretty easy program to use if you just want to do some light editing. I haven't really gone to deep into the program just the basics which I think seem to work pretty good for me. I have used apps on my phone but I don't think they are nearly as good as lightroom or even photoshop.
49 Warm up
Some of the photoshop things I want to do are, cropping out pictures and changing the background. Mess around with the colors because photoshop has very different tools from lightroom. And I want to work with the idea of cropping photos into a single one.
48 Warm up
Lately it seems like I have to be juggling a lot of things at once. I have to do a lot of things for my english class which stresses me out because not only do I have to do my work but I have to help out my group. I have to study for science because we get a lot of work in the class a test like every 3 weeks. School has been really difficult the past couple of months.
46 Warm up
Some of the things I want to try out are experimenting with lighting and obscure a part of a subject. I think these are dope because it can make your photos really stand out from the rest. Some of the things I need to work on is the aperture settings and using the ISO more efficiently.
45 Warm up
One of the photos I want to take is one with the light makes a star or some kind of cool design. I don't really know what kind of photos I want to take but I just hope they come out decent. I want to take some that show emotion.
44 Warm up
The picture of the warm up is a possum and I had a pretty funny story with a possum. I was driving with my mom one time and it was pretty dark and we were going to the store. We stop at a red light and after like a minute it turns green and and we make a left turn. A possum crossed the street and my mom thought it was a skunk so she freaked out and I told her to calm down it was just a possum. I guess she didn't know what a possum was because I showed her a picture and she freaked out because she said it looked like a giant rat.
43 Warm up
I think this picture was taken with the long exposure. But If that was the case it would only get one side so I think it was two pictures edited into this one. I don't know if that's correct but that's how I would think they did it.
42 Warm up
One thing that I noticed is that the kids seem to be very young. I expected them to be like maybe around my age but they seemed like they were like 13-14. They smoke cigs which is something that not many kids my age do nowadays. Nowadays they would either have juuls or weed. So I guess not much changed in time.
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