Social issues
My topic is on littering and pollution in general. It exists basically everywhere in the world but around my hood it is a really big problem. It really bothers me because when people come to hang out it can be embarrassing with all the shit around where I live.
It was really easy to get the photos because everywhere I go I can find a pile of trash just laying around it it was a super easy thing to find. I took these just on the way to the gym and if I were to go around I would find even more with my eyes closed.
I really hate the trash around my hood. I never litter because of this, it bothers me how people think this is ok just because theres a lot of trash they don't think anything of it. People just think since theres so much they can just add onto it and it really bothers me when people have that mentality and if we don't change it's never going to get better.
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