Warm Ups 1-19
Warm up #19 I usually take pics around my house or hood but I do like taking pictures by ob because even though most people can visit it everyday if they wanted to I don't have that kind of luxury so I make the most of it. Also the cliffs over there are really fucking awesome. Warm up #18 The feeling of the photo is very happy ambitious and overall a good mood because of all the cool colors. The aperture must've been pretty low because even thought it wasn't a close up shot there was still some blurring of the background. I don't think I would be good at taking wedding photos and I wouldn't enjoy it because there's so much into what you want the photo to look like and it's not something that I would like to do. Warm up #17 You can make portraits without showing faces like in the picture the main focus is on the hands and the piece of paper. Because it's an action and it's the thing you focus on. Warm up #16 I say that the feelings that the po...