Warm ups 55-65
Warm up 65 I know your green screen project is due tomorrow. But Google "green screen photos" and look at all the interesting examples. What are some ideas you hadn't thought of? Warm up 64 Photoshop can be used to make all sorts of weird combos of photos. Look at the photos below. Do you like the distortions? Do you think these types of photos are classified as "photography," or as "art?" Why? I think that they look very interesting. I don't know how I feel about them though. They took a lot of time and effort and I can appreciate that but I don't know if they look ugly or cool I can't make up my mind.I would consider these more as art because I feel like they could have a lot of different meanings. Warm up 63 What are your plans for the long weekend? Me and some of the homies are going to the movies this weekend. I'm super excited because were going to go see deadpool 2 and the new star wars movie. We're going...