
Showing posts from May, 2018

posting myself on different backgrounds

I just came up with my ideas just by messing around and putting things that I like or I think are funny. There weren't a lot of challenges I thought that it was pretty easy and fun.I liked putting myself in different backgrounds it was really funny and easy.

photoshop project

It was pretty fun adding all the filters to these photos. I have already used the program so it was super easy to do but I know some people who have never used this program had some trouble with it. My favorite would have to be the water color one.I liked this project it was really simple. I hope we work with Photoshop more often.



replacing the sky


Photoshop project

before after I chose this project because it something that A lot of people want to learn. I didn't take the pictures but I did edit them and I think it came out pretty easy. I do have experience in photoshop and it was super easy to do this. Even for beginners it can be an easy thing to learn.I do think if I put in a tiny bit more edited it would look 100% realistic but I am happy with the results.

Light painting

There wasn't really a lot of challenges I had when doing this project. Usually people can't get the settings correct but usually it was that my partners got off task. It was pretty fun messing around with the lights. I really like the freedom that we had with this project.


I had taken these pictures when I had gone to Cancun over the summer. I think the craziest one is that the fact theres a white turtle because I didn't think there was any other types of turtles. It's different trying to take pictures of animals because they can't pose so you just have to get a picture of them acting natural.