
Showing posts from October, 2017

Instant studio

           I think that these are my best photos because I got a lot of different angles and light effects in them. Also these came out really crisp compared to some of the blurry pictures I had taken. I edited them to not be so bright and harsh on the eyes but the colors still pop when on the background. I liked the smooth backgrounds more because they look a lot cleaner in my opinion. And my least favorite part of this project was trying to see how much light I had to let in and how much I shouldn't.


Doing the elements first before the principles helped me out a little bit more than I would think it would've than doing it by itself.The hardest principle was movement because it can be hard to find things that just naturally move and you can capture in a photo. I think pattern was the easiest because you can find it just about anywhere. 5 photos for Pattern 5 photos for Unity/Variety 5 photos for Contrast 5 photos for Emphasis 6 photos for Movement/Rhythm (3 movement and 3 rhythm)

Elements blog post

I think the most interesting thing to photograph was the perspective pictures because I feel you can get way more like ways to think of a a picture. The most boring was the colors one because it seemed to basic. It really changed the way I looked at everything because I see different things in an object or scene now thanks to the elements. Light room is a little wonky for me because I'm so used to photoshop but I think I'm getting the hang of it. value photos Texture Lines Color Space Shape and form